
‘STRANGERS (in the sands of rainbow skies)’
by Peng-Ean Khoo
an ebook (pdf) publication by Ponder with PEK
on July 31, 2020. A Gift for All.



  1. It is a very, very, very dark night.
  2. There is no respite in the house. Not a real one anyway.
  3. You will not threaten.
  4. Mystery is a freedom of the new. The not seeable, that is why there is no path.
  5. The meaning is very deep.
  6. So, Time looks at the stranger.
  7. When you are touched within like that,
  8. “Only if you are walking!
  9. The heart, my heart is understanding what you are trying to teach me.
  10. You are the Rainbow Warrior.
  11. You are always an old soul.
  12. Work isn’t like that at all.
  13. I have travelled on foot from Persia to India and then I sat on a tree under an auspicious sky and waited for a long time.
  14. Now that you can remember, what are you going to do?
  15. I offer you my friendship.
  16. What is it you are holding in your hand?
  17. So, she looks at him, straight in the eye, and says, “Let’s go.”
  18. You become drunk in yourself.
  19. I am in my room of hermitage, but I am not alone.


700 years ago, I was an abandoned child on the streets of a place I cannot remember and I imagine it now with my fine imagination that a lovely, kind gentleman in green had picked me up. He smiled at my ruffian face full of spunk and dirt, and got me all cleaned up. Every 700 years, he looks for me and finds me, and then sends me a blanket. Some years I just eat grass and shampoo because I am also the delightful child who talks nonsense while the world goes around in circles. Sometimes they call me the star but actually I am that invisible sun which dawns just for one day every 700 years and then bing! I become a girl again. I am not sure what tall tales I spin every 700 years but my friend the perfect gentleman is always beside me.

We have a good chuckle and have a lot of good fun every epoch of new beginnings and every time, he marvels at the new tales, and he chuckles some more and that gets him chuckling more and more, and then we have some good fun figuring out exactly how cheeky this little girl is every 700 years.

His job is to make sure she doesn’t get herself into too much trouble.

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